Is the University of Minnesota a Community?

A look into the University community through the eyes of a student

By: A 1st year student

Defining a community has always been hard for me. This is because everyone has a different definition that applies only to them. So, to try and understand where I fit in can be difficult.  Now that I am in college I have been searching out this definition in terms of being a student. Because I still can't figure out if I am even in a community to begin with. Which is confusing, right?

I have figured out that the  University of Minnesota is one big community, with smaller communities inside of it. The big community is everyone who goes to or works at the U, but the smaller community is (for example) my friends, clubs, and classmates. I have therefore started to make my own small community by surrounding myself with the people I enjoy being around. 

 Thus, I have come to the conclusion that (in college) a community is the classes, clubs, and people you talk to, because these are the people who make you feel at home. Being a part of these communities impacts me in many different ways. I am able to meet different people in each one and feel comfortable in all of them. While I may not have found exactly where I fit into college yet I know I will get there soon, and so will you!  

So dear reader, are you having difficulty finding and defining your community?  Because I sure am!

Wake Mag