Among Us Club

An Interview with the President

By: Theo Andre

Among Us. The game has enthralled a generation—so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see a University of Minnesota club for it. However, what did surprise me was the scale. The club’s Discord boasts 521 members, which puts it in the running for the biggest club at the University. To find out more, I tracked down the president of the club, senior Caleigh Master.

TA: How and when did you first start the Among Us Club?

CM: I started Among Us Club back in, I think, fall of 2020. . . . It was becoming popular, and I thought that people would enjoy getting to play with other students. At first it didn't start out as a club, but just a Discord server where we would come together. 

TA: How did it grow into a club?

CM: Once it grew to around 300 or so, I decided to turn it into an official club so we could get funding for tournaments. With the added advertising of being an official club, we got to around 500 members at its peak. People were posting the link everywhere: from meme pages to Facebook groups for graduate students, even in class Discords.

TA: If you could be in an Among Us game with any 8 people from any period in history, who would they be?

CM: Probably the cast of the Avengers, along with Albert Einstein.

TA: What do you think the role of a club like this is right now?

CM: I think the role of a club like this . . . is that it's just a place and a fun medium for people to connect and hang out together. I think that a lot of us have been feeling isolated, and being able to hang out virtually and play games with people keeps us from feeling too down.

The Among Us club is still very much active, with a game even happening during my interview with Caleigh. If you are interested in joining, go to .

It might just be what gets you through your next round of finals.

Wake Mag