Ask Gracie

This month, the girls are protecting our own peace!

By Gracie Korbert with art by Natalie Williams

Q: I am focusing too much on my future, how do I become more present in my day-to-day life?

A: Dear reader, as a second-sem Senior, I’m just as anxiety-ridden regarding the next few years. I understand that it’s hard not to get ahead of ourselves, with our post-grad reality barreling toward us at full speed. But, I ask that you be gentle to yourself, and to remember not to treat the next few months as a transitionary period. The future is inevitable. As much as I wish I could, unfortunately, I cannot pause time for you, my friend. Each morning, however cheesy you may feel, look out the window, take a few deep breaths, and just, be. Instead of peering down at the passing feet on the pavement to narrowly avoid eye contact on the way to class, admire your surroundings and focus on how you’re feeling in this current moment.Write everything down and take a billion pictures. Have a little faith that whatever the universe has in store for you will find you in due time. 

Q: I cut off a friend a few months back because I needed to protect my peace. I don’t regret the decision, but we have mutual friends and the negative energy lingers. How do I rid myself of the bad vibes?

A: Dear reader, congratulations on cutting out what or who makes you miserable! Life is too short to spend it with unhappiness glued to your side. That being said, continue to focus on the good in  your life: your inviolable relationships, your hobbies, and passions. Redirect the inevitable negative feelings, energy, and anxiety into these aspects of your life. This prosperity will return plentifully. Most importantly, spend time in spaces that make you feel happy, protected, and as the greatest version of yourself. Don’t let your energy go to waste persevering “what used to be” with the ex-friend. 

Q: Do you practice any daily affirmations? If so, what are they and what is the meaning behind them?

A: Lately, I’ve been consuming a healthy dose of “Lucky Girl Syndrome” with tea, each morning and night; updates to follow on the results, but so far, so good. For those unaware, allow me to enlighten you about the world of delusional thinking. Say,“things are always working out for me no matter how it looks at any point in time”, whenever something goes wrong or you need to assuage feelings of anxiety. However, aside from my routine of journaling every thought, my eccentric recommendation is as follows: PIN.TER.EST. I’ve been carefully curating a board of my favorite quotes, affirmations, and reminders since high school, it’s my life’s work. I rotate frequently, however, a few of my favorites:

— This too shall pass. A personal mantra close to my heart and wrist. Applies both positively and negatively for a much-needed reality check.

— I am so rooted in myself that nobody’s absence or presence can disturb my inner peace.

— I am no longer available for things that make me feel like sh*t. 

Q: A friend won’t stop putting down the things I like and making me sad. What should I do?

A: Dear reader, I empathize with you. I feel like I’ve been in your shoes multiple times. I recently came to the realization that everyone around me is just trying to protect their own peace. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean their method of madness appears kindly to others. By recalling the rule of protecting one’s own peace (POP, if you will,) you can release the notion that whatever brings you joy is the problem in this scenario. I will endearingly say, dear reader, it is, most likely, not about you. This ‘friend’ of yours likely has built themself up on years of pulverizing others in a haphazard attempt to fill their hideous and desolate abyss of insecurity and doubt with self-importance. Also, you do not have to spend time with people who do not make you feel good, point blank period. XO

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