A Hate Letter from a Biker

A Lifetime bikers reflection on biking on campus

Zoë Meyer

You do not need to fear, I come with only a small amount of dislike. Unless you are one of the three C’s listed below, I probably won’t hit you with my bike! If you are one of the following things, you are keeping this city from being a fully enjoyable bikeable city–watch out. 


I do not know who gave ya’ll your licenses, but they probably shouldn’t have. So as a refresher, here are some things I would like to remind you of. 

  1. When we are turning, we look for bikers. If there is a biker coming, we do not turn in front of said biker. I shouldn’t have to say this, but two of you guys did hit me with your cars in this exact way, so maybe I do. 

  2. The bike lane is for bikes, not parking. I do not care if you are “just here for a second”, you make it 1000% less safe to bike. Stop it. 


Nothing needs to be said here. Construction sucks. I have popped one too many tires on unpaved roads this summer, and had one too many close calls on streets that took away their bike lanes, I hate it.

College students (especially those on scooters). 

If you are a college student, please for the love of God, stop jaywalking! The amount of times I have almost hit one of you guys because you are not looking at the lights and only looking at your phones, I am honestly worried for your safety. If you are a college student on a scooter, all the same rules apply to you as they do to bikes. Do not ride on the sidewalk and do not try to cut off bikers. Those scooters go fast and I have witnessed more than one of you try to disobey the rules and get hurt or hurt someone else. 

And to the guy last week on a scooter who tried to pass me on a curve even though we were going the same speed and then fell off your scooter, just know I laughed at you. 

To all my fellow bikers, please be safe, wear your helmet, pump up your tires, and watch out for the three C’s. 

With all my love (and hate), 

A lifetime biker

Wake Mag