Jeremy’s Playground Bullying Report

With Jimmy and Ryan at Wide Awake Elementary School

By: Quinn McClurg

INTERVIEWER: Interview start! This is Jeremy at Wide Awake Elementary School and today I will be talking to Jimmy and Ryan about bullying on the playground.

INTERVIEWER: Hi! What’s your name and how old are you?

JIMMY: My name is Jimmy! J-I-M-M-Y! I’m six and in third grade! *Jimmy holds up 8 fingers.* But I skipped a grade because I’m super smart! 

RYAN: The name’s Ryan. I’m the oldest in third grade.

INTERVIEWER: What is your most favorite recess activity?

JIMMY: [Flag] football is my favorite! I’m really good at it and no one can ever get me!

RYAN: I like flag football. I’m really strong and I tackle the other kids even though I’m not supposed to.

INTERVIEWER: Other kids say you’re always picked first. How does that make you feel?

RYAN: Cool. Not like I care. Everyone already knows I’m cool.

INTERVIEWER: All the kids say you’re always picked last. How does that make you feel?

JIMMY: It’s only because I’m faster than everyone else and they’re all scared of me because I’m fast.

INTERVIEWER: What do you think of Ryan?

JIMMY: He’s not good at football. I’m faster and stronger than him too.

INTERVIEWER: What do you think of Jimmy?

RYAN: He’s weird. I don’t like him. He always cries when other kids get his flag. He never leaves after he gets out either.

INTERVIEWER: Do you think you should be more nicer to Jimmy?

RYAN: No. He’s a little dweeb. “More nicer” isn’t even a word, stupid.

INTERVIEWER: Do you think you should be nicer to Ryan?

JIMMY: No. He’s a big meanie-head.

INTERVIEWER: Alright! Bye bye!

INTERVIEWER: Ok this is my end stuff now. Jimmy really needs to be bullied. He doesn’t even know his numbers and he’s not even that smart. Ryan said he’s a dweeb and a crybaby too and he knows because he’s cool. Okay, this is Jeremy from fourth grade and interview done. Bye bye!

Wake Mag