Ian Knoll
Cities Editor
What are some of your favorite, or least favorite, lines from movies or song lyrics?
"Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here" - Biff Tannen, Back to the Future "She's drunk on old cartoons / Liquid TV afternoons" - Season 2, Episode 3 by Glass Animals 'I'm me/ Me be/ Goddamn/ I am" - Undone by Weezer
Where is the best places to have a breakdown on campus?
The basement reference library of Wilson, where no one can hear you scream/sob
What is your favorite song that fits your aesthetic?
See my above quotes! (I'll also throw in Typhoon Turnpike by TWRP as a bonus).
What is a movie title for the story of you life?
"5 Hours of Sleep, 5 Cups of Coffee"
What was your favorite toy as a kid?
Probably my 20+ Pokémon Plushies
Hot take?
Canned Pineapple >>> Fresh Pineapple
What are three things on you bucket list?
Visit another country (maybe England, maybe Japan) See a short story I wrote published (and ideal get payed for it) Graduate College (not a far off goal, but it sure feels like it some days)
If you could have any superpower, but no one could know you have it, what would you chose?
If no one can know, I guess being able to time travel / reset time would be pretty fun. I think I could get away with it.
What is an odd talent you have, that you're proud of?
I know how to walk on stilts! (or at the very least I knew at one point).
Describe a place you feel happiest and most content.
In Real Life: the field behind my childhood home, or the outlook near Bruininks. Virtually? My Animal Crossing Village of course.