Letter from the Multimedia Producer

Dear reader,

Stories are powerful, aren’t they? A captivating film, a gut-wrenching poem, a perfectly crafted record—I mean, you can’t beat it. Good stories can move us with their narrative and bring us to tears with their ability to reach us. We, as a society, are living out our own unique stories, and it’s truly special.

Since getting to college, I’ve come to realize that the power of story is second to none. Everyone on the planet, especially the twenty-somethings, just wants to be seen, heard, and understood. That’s why we tell stories, isn’t it? In the hope that we might connect and find some common ground. The world that we live in can feel so big and scary and our ability to tell stories allows us to make sense of it. The beautiful chaos around us deserves to be captured and felt. So, let’s capture it and feel it, shall we?

I’m an artist, so I’m obsessed with telling stories. Whether it be in my poems, short stories, or books, I try to be as authentic and razor-sharp as I can be. I want you to feel what I feel and see what I see. I don’t want you to relate to my characters—I want you to lose yourself in them. I want my writing to be your escape from the crazy reality we exist in, even if it is just for a moment. In my music, I don’t want you to feel alone in your feelings but validated because you may be broken, but the rest of us are, too. I want to fill your ears with charming nostalgia so that you are rushed back to a time when you felt whole. We all deserve to feel whole, don’t we?

I grew up in a town where my creativity and individualism weren’t always embraced or validated. However, since joining The Wake and being surrounded by artists and storytellers, I can tell you firsthand just how fortunate I am to be a part of the team. Being an artist—hell, being a human being—can be lonely sometimes. So finding people who look at the world in the same light that you do, with bright colors and descriptive language—it’s pretty special. And I don’t take it for granted—not even a little bit. 

This is a call to arms for all artists and people: TELL YOUR F*CKING STORY because IT MATTERS. You matter.


Noah Berghammer

Wake Mag