Letter from the Executive Director

Dear reader,

I would like to say I wasn’t supposed to be the Executive Director. My first staff meeting at The Wake was spent anxiously wondering if my New Yorker tote bag was overkill. I remember thinking, “wow, I will forever be an intern.” I’m here by complete chance.

Entering my freshman year, I was terrified of my own opinions. I would’ve called myself an extreme pacifist, I hated stepping on other people’s ideas. As far as I was concerned I didn’t know anything and listening would be the only way to understand. I guess you could say I joined The Wake as a sort of immersion therapy. Working as an intern meant that I not only had to have an opinion, but I had to share it. So I started with what I knew best, listening. My first articles were simple reviews where I could knit together outside opinions with my own. Slowly, but surely, I began to take the reins of my own thoughts until I was fueling the idea behind my articles. I wrote about fashion addictions, coping with isolation, and how terrifying men are in a rave setting. My experiences became something to contemplate, and I found myself wanting to tell my version of the story without cowering away from outside opinion.

Now, after hastily accepting an offer via zoom, I’m trying my best to carry a legacy. The wake was founded to inspire change and empassion a community. With the recent imposing realities such as the loss of women’s rights and extreme environmental destruction, I’m realizing the importance of community more than ever. The Wake is here at the front lines to call attention to what this world needs to fix. But more than that, we’re here to celebrate the steps we’ve made in the right direction.

Writing helped me find my voice, and that’s something I’ll never take for granted. As I enter into a new position, I’m excited to speak out for what I value. What’s more, I’m excited to see new interpretations of old thoughts and meaningful experiences from all walks of life. Our lived stories can change how the world perceives, and by sharing them, we can begin to make a difference for the better. The Wake magazine is at the heart of my beliefs; compassion inspires connection that inspires change.

I hope you can empathize with our stories. I hope you fi nd a community in our pages. I’m glad I took that offer over zoom, and I still (shamelessly) carry my New Yorker tote bag to staff meetings.


Marie Ronnander

Executive Director

Wake Mag