Marie Ronnander


Cities Intern

What is your favorite thing about the Wake?

I love the people the best, it feels like a collective. Everyone brings their own perspective and it’s celebrated.

What are some of your favorite, or least favorite, lines from movies or song lyrics?

“How strange it is to be anything at all” -Neutral Milk Hotel

Where is the best places to have a breakdown on campus?

One of the little rooms in the basement of Walter ❤️‍🩹

What is your favorite song that fits your aesthetic?

Love in the Time of Socialism

What is a movie title for the story of you life?

It is what it is

What was your favorite toy as a kid?

Polly Pockets for sure

Hot take?

Blue and green will never look good together (so sorry)

What are three things on you bucket list?

1) Make pasta from scratch 2) Live on the East Coast 3) Visit Croatia

If you could have any superpower, but no one could know you have it, what would you chose?

Time travel <3

What is an odd talent you have, that you're proud of?

I can’t forget a face

Describe a place you feel happiest and most content.

I’ve worked on a strawberry farm every summer since the age of 11. I feel the most myself watching the sunset over the fields from the top of the hay bales.