Platonic Love is Special, Too

Friend love is just as magical as lover love

By Jemma Keleher

Whether you believe in it or not, love is a huge part of our daily lives. Several sources on the internet (super reliable) say that you should plan to say “I love you” between one and five times per day, which adds up to a colossal amount of love when you consider the sheer number of humans in the world. Oftentimes, though, people consider love to be something reserved for romantic partners, falling into the idea that platonic love is somehow less meaningful or special. This idea is absolutely incorrect: in fact, it might even be the opposite.

Our society is built around the idea of finding that one special someone who will make you feel things you have never felt before. It’s drilled into our heads from a young age that one day we will find the love of our lives and then, and only then, we will know love and happiness. Most of us go along with it, buying into the thought that our lives will begin when we find our perfect match. We search for love on dating apps, social media, and (gasp) in person, longing for someone to call ours forever. What we ignore in this process, though, is possibly the most special thing a person can have: friendship.

Our friends are the unsung heroes of our lives. While we stumble throughout our lives in blind pursuit of someone to love us, our friends are the ones standing by our side and helping us look. They’re the ones behind us, picking up the mess we make and ensuring that we’re happy and healthy on the journey. They know us better than anyone else and love us despite the catastrophe that might be going on inside of our brains. We say over and over that we want to find love, and in doing so, we ignore the pure, unconditional love that’s standing right in front of us. 

While romantic love is great, platonic love is on a different level. Platonic love is often dubbed as “less special,” but this couldn’t be less true. The bond shared between two friends who care about each other deeply is incredible and, quite frankly, magical. Sure, romantic love might give you butterflies and make your face blush, but platonic lovers will make your eyes bright and your cheeks hurt from laughing. 

One of the only differences between romantic and platonic love is a lack of sexual interest, and that’s what pushes platonic love to be special. Your friends are into you because of your soul and your personality; they don’t want you for sex. Platonic lovers will be there for you until the end of time, supporting and caring for you from the sidelines simply because they want to see you succeed. They love you because of the way you are, without wanting anything else from you.

Don’t get me wrong; romantic love is magical and amazing, but platonic love is just as much so and is constantly ignored. Our friends are our rocks in life, and without their love, we would be high and dry in a ditch somewhere, loveless and sad. Recognize that platonic love is special, and remember that while it’s cool to search for your one true love, avoid ignoring the love that’s already right by your side.

Wake Mag