Cool It Down, Yeah Yeah Yeahs

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ “Cool It Down” is the perfect album for our electrically-charged dystopian world

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are finally back after nearly 10 years, and it is a sweet and beautifully dystopian return. Their 5th studio album, “Cool It Down” is a short but satisfying compilation of 8 tracks that keep the art punk heart of the band while continuing to give us the space to dance. 

The album begins with “Spitting Off the Edge of the World,” featuring Perfume Jesus, a mellow punk anthem that hooks the listener and sets the dystopian yet hopeful tone for the album.

The weakest point of the album is the track “Lovebomb” which slows the album down right after it kicks off. While it has a nice aesthetic, it kills the vibe set by the first track and should have been moved somewhere else on the album. 

The next few tracks pick the momentum back up with a combination of a need to hit the dance floor, amazing vocals by Karen O, and creative instrumentals backing her up. 

As the album draws to a close, the songs continue the desperate feeling of dancing while the world burns around you. The album closes with the melancholic spoken word “Mars” which takes the listener up to the stars with tear-filled eyes. A perfect goodbye to a long-awaited album. 

“Cool It Down” is an amazing comeback for the band with its crunchy musical textures, poetic lyrics, and steady instrumental backing - it only loses its momentum in some of the track order choices.

Wake Mag