An Open Letter to Men This International Women’s Day

By: Sakshi Aul

Disclaimer: This piece is solely based on my experiences. 

Dear men, 

This is not your space, this is not for you, and this is not your time. These are only a few of the comments that echo in my head. Comments that I’ve been told at every instance in my life when I defy the status quo of what it means to be a woman.

I want to be clear in saying this. I do not hold you responsible for the actions of the misogynistic men who came before you, but I, along with every woman in this world, hold you responsible for acknowledging the actions of these men and their long-lasting impact. It is your fiduciary duty to actively empower women.

Progress has been made, but it is egregiously slow, and there is so much more that must be done. So show up for us, listen to us, respect us, and we will do the same for you. Redefine what it means to be a man in a manner that shows that you stand for and with women, that you acknowledge and respect women’s equality, and that you stand against any and every despicable and violent act against women. Because by remaining silent as countless women are being degraded and abused, you are degrading and abusing yourself, too.

Happy International Women’s Day to all of the immigrant mothers who left their homelands, moved across the world, and planted their roots in a foreign country. Happy International Women’s Day to all of the immigrant mothers who sacrificed everything to ensure their children were provided for. To the immigrant women who constantly put themselves last and cater to their children’s every whim, usually without any appreciation.

Wake Mag