Pat Gagnon


PR/Ad Intern

What is your favorite thing about the Wake?

I love the cool art that the designers come up with and our fun article topics.

What are some of your favorite, or least favorite, lines from movies or song lyrics?

“Yeah, say that you're a lesbian, girl, me too” - Some Drake song. “Have no apprentice, style uninherited, laughing at you peasants cause my penmanship is excellence” - Danny Brown, Pac Blood

Where is the best places to have a breakdown on campus?

Right outside the front door of your first class of the year.

What is your favorite song that fits your aesthetic?


What is a movie title for the story of you life?

American Sniper 2: Escape from the Haunted Castle

What was your favorite toy as a kid?

Legos, or the Gameboy Advance

Hot take?

There's way too many straight college students and not enough queer people at The Gay 90s.

What are three things on you bucket list?

Visit Ireland again, move back to New York, and kickstart my electronic music project.

If you could have any superpower, but no one could know you have it, what would you chose?

Super charisma, the ability to be able to become friends with anyone easily.

What is an odd talent you have, that you're proud of?

If you cannot find that song that's stuck in your head I can find it. Even if it takes years to do so.

Describe a place you feel happiest and most content.

My bed or the green mountains rolling hills of Ireland.