Productivity Doesn’t Have to be Stressful

By Madeleine Ware

Quarantine had barely started before the toxic “hustle culture” posts began arising everywhere. They popped up on every platform, urging people to pick up a new workout plan, start a side hustle, or become the next Shakespeare. Like many other college students who were ripped away from the security of routine, friendship, and lattes, I felt attacked. I felt entitled to a few days of relaxation without the pressure of productivity looming over me. If you felt like that too, you are not alone. 

Many of us are caught up in the dilemma of deciding whether we should use this free time to relax or to be more productive than ever. On one hand, it can be rewarding to have some time to hide away from the stress of the outside world. Things are very uncertain right now, and it can be comforting to turn to a favorite TV show, podcast, or video game. On the other hand, many of us cannot succumb entirely to the void, losing track of the days in a monotonous blur of unwashed pajamas and skipped meals. Doing something creative, exercising, or starting a new hobby can be great ways to release untapped energy and feel more in control. 

There will be days where you feel unmotivated, stressed, and discouraged by the state of the world, but finding small ways to remind yourself of your humanity is more important than ever. Try a new recipe, take a walk, or start a new exercise routine. But remember, life is a balancing act. Always put your mental health and wellbeing first and do what’s best for you.

Wake Mag