“Andor” Review

The newest Disney+ show is timely and terrific.


“Andor” is a prequel to the 2016 Star Wars spin-off film “Rogue One” based around a somewhat-forgettable character and is the third Disney+ Star Wars series of the year, following two underwhelming efforts centered around far more famous figures in Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi. So it’s fair to say expectations for the series were tempered.

And yet it has proven itself to be not just great Star Wars but great television. The directing, special effects, and performances are excellent; the dialogue is exceptional; and above all else, it’s timely. 

Politicians avoid helping those in need in order to maintain the status quo. The Emperor is praised, despite his totalitarian intentions, for “saying what he really thinks” and cracking down on crime. The legal system is uncaring, and the prisons are brutal. The Empire slowly and systematically removes indigenous people from their land for the sake of military expansion. Star Wars has rarely been so relevant in such a subtle, natural, yet unmistakable way.

The series also brings added nuance to the galaxy far, far away; both painting the rebellion in shades of gray by showing the darker sides of fighting for freedom and by hammering home the dire consequences of fascist rule with a remarkable down-to-earth focus. By honing in on the regime’s consequences for well-developed everyday characters, it excels in reestablishing the horror of Imperial rule. 

Overall, “Andor” is a must-watch for Star Wars fans while equally accessible and enjoyable for new viewers.

Wake Mag