Holly Humberstone Concert Review

Minneapolis is now lonely without you.

By: Shannon Brault

Holly Humberstone is a wholesome, lovely soul that blessed First Ave’s main room on Monday, March 28, opening for girl in red. If you weren’t there, here’s why you should have been. 

Holly played about a half-hour set filled with interaction, raw energy, and a vulnerability that was unmatched by most shows I have been to lately. People in the crowd were so welcoming and cheering for her at all times. Several people called out to say that she was cute and adorable, which I don’t think anyone could disagree with.

She interacted with the crowd during the entirety of her set, which is one of the hallmarks of a good show and good performers. She asked how everyone was doing, told stories, and said thank you after she was done with a song. At one point, she was introducing a song that she wrote for her sister and called herself awkward at storytelling, but I don’t think anyone else in that room thought she was at all awkward. She shared so much with the crowd and interacted with all of us head-bopping, swaying girls and gays there looking for the community and love she gave us. 

If I haven’t convinced you to be in love with her yet, she’s British, and her top song on Spotify is called “London is Lonely,” and it is an absolute sucker punch to the gut in the best way possible. 

So Holly, if you’re reading this, thank you for bringing your music to Minneapolis. xxx

Wake Mag