Dungeon Crawlers

Floodwater Angel’s latest combines the best aspects of psych-rock and shoegaze

By Abby Vela

Floodwater Angel, while being a band I had heard many fantastic things about, hadn’t been on my radar until the release show for their RPG-themed album, “Dungeon Crawlers.” I went into this January release without any expectations, knowing nothing of the local group’s sound or style; I can safely say that this album blew me away.

Self-described as a “psychedelic glam band,” Floodwater Angel embodies the essence of dirty, grimy psychedelic rock and adds something near-ethereal, creating an incredibly captivating soundscape. Songs like “Linked Materia” and “She Doesn’t Have the Guts” use synths, delay, and layered vocals to transport the listener to a land far away.

Of course, Floodwater Angel wouldn’t be a true psychedelic-rock band without some head-bangable material. Stand-out examples include “Homemade Nine Barreled Handgun,” one barrel for each of the US Supreme Court justices after overturning Roe v. Wade, and “Doom Scroller,” a song for those moments of Twitter-induced existential dread. I appreciate the added timeliness of this release, both the mentioned songs and the album as a whole. Beyond just being a great listen, the added lyrical depth gives the release a quality of replayability that’s intrinsic to my musical experience.

There is one song that’s not quite like the rest of the album, but I think it may be my favorite. “Because of Winn-Dixie” is a slow-building, acoustic number—the only acoustic song on this record. It’s simple and stripped with some of the most beautiful lyrics on “Dungeon Crawlers.” Carried by the vocalist’s heart-breaking performance, “Winn-Dixie” leaves the listener warm, hollow, and wanting more.

Floodwater Angel’s “Dungeon Crawlers” is a solid release, combining my favorite aspects of psych-rock and shoegaze, and I cannot wait to see what they create in the future.

Wake Mag