Skylar Neuber


PR/Social Intern

Is there a hobby or skill that you've always wanted to do but never tried? 


Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?

At home, I have a dog (a boxer) named Jade. At school, I have two guinea pigs named Boo Boo and Yogi Bear

What is your favorite scene from a movie like?

In the movie Practical Magic, there is a scene where the two sisters and two aunts have midnight margaritas. They dance around the kitchen island singing "put the lime in the coconut" and it's the most perfect scene ever filmed.

Name a song that makes you feel ethereal.

Somebody to Love by Queen; Landslide by Stevie Nicks

What Avatar the Last AirBender element would you bend, and why?

Fire Bender: I'm an Aries