Being the Best You

It’s never too late to start your journey

By Samantha De Leon

When we discuss the topic of wellness, whether it be emotional, physical, or spiritual wellness, our ideas of it vary greatly. To me, wellness is about taking action towards maintaining a healthy body, both physically and mentally. Essentially, I think of wellness as a journey you undergo to find what works for you along the way, and the difficult part is that often times you never really figure out what does work for you. However, don’t let the seemingly lack of success discourage you. You may encounter challenging obstacles, but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Beginning your journey starts with commitment. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide when you are ready for change; no one else can force you to start changing. If you yourself are not 100 percent committed, you won’t reach your goals. No one ever said it would be easy, and it may be an unbelievably long time before you find success or even make progress. That is not to say that small steps aren’t worth taking. I learned that placing yourself in an environment with people who bring out the best version of you is where you want to be. Furthermore, eating healthy, regular exercise, and limiting social media are beginning steps to success.

In reality, we can’t always be our best selves. There are always going to be days when we feel down or not motivated—that’s okay. If you fall, you're still going forward. Having a glass of wine or indulging in a slice of chocolate cake is not going to set you back, it’s going to taste great. Prioritizing your health is up to you, and it is important to remind ourselves that “perfection” is subjective. Change doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time and a sense of self-sufficiency.

Wake Mag