Storm Coverage in Action

If you’ve ever seen a natural disaster, you can help immediately in the time of crisis.


Below the beauty of wealthy and prosperous land, a deadly twister springs up to destroy. Awareness of the alarming risk from the beastly disaster's greatest impact from the wild west coast to the elegant east coast will only remain in our memory. Hurricanes seek to overpower, being a beauty in disguise. Cautions everywhere with the sound of emergency and sirens coming, the only hero recognized in the moment, are paramedics, ambulance drivers, food donors, and police. Whether it was Katrina, Maria, Harvey, or even Tohoku, the media has missing footage of the truth. A natural disaster is not only the most scary scene to experience. The social consciousness reported is absolutely unwritten, it is simply in the mind. Trapped in a wickedly dark experience, the psychology behind it warps a tremendous storm which drives deeper trauma. Now in a time to turn for help, the only way to face the crisis of reality is to survive. 

During the tragedy of the experience, winds blow heavily, fragile glasses break. This suddenly leaves the victims seeking shelter in immediate loneliness. The sky was gray while the highest sight under a gloomy day was the towering palm tree. Being alone in what is now an isolated environment, the grounds are unsafe to walk on. On a free land located in North America that is a tropical paradise, the earthly beauty is gone. With floods so high, the children are only floating for shelter. The young and old run to escape the chaos. This most dangerous twister emerged from the ground, sprung up to destroy. Panicking on the street to seek the home that they lost, the sorrow was endless.  Now here is the moment when the media comes.

It’s absolutely insane the news has to be heard. The media has to say something. Coming in, tall, dark, with a white collar and black dress pants, the top journalist, reminds us of the time we need to survive. “The weather here is terrible, strong winds at the humid eighty degrees!” he exclaims, nearly losing his breath. However, his tall figure gazing at the gloomy day in typhoon rhythm suits his pacing of broadcast. Being a journalist, it was extremely hard for him to capture the breeze in the moment. Every detail around him falls quicker than lightning’s strike.

Later on the camera is turned off. Here is time to focus on the reality of the present. Relief after days of the storm. It was so indescribable and standards were absolutely strict. However it’s overjoyous when food comes. Now that there are food trucks people can come freely. Even more, there are drives in improving universities to support the victims. Hunger doesn’t end up as the most largest problem in the world. It’s finding the audience to feed as the most genuine person. In the most respectful way, having the heart to hold a hand, even if you’re set far apart gives joy. Whether it was being the star of the party or hopeless until your heart is aching, there is support for you. 

The brilliance of a victim is an opportunity for bravery. An unimaginably unique way to get along is the most beautiful. The internal cry for help is the real struggle. The deal is that the cry from the less fortunate is calling all of us to help somebody. We are not the people suffering from fear. Instead of fear, we are the most free. The truth to express emotions but act according to the behavior is a tremendous lesson for this diverse community of incredible people. 

When someone is seen struggling, the first thing we naturally do sometimes is judge. Sadly, what we know about them is only their appearance. The most spectacular difference you can make in their lives is to brighten their day. No matter who you are, you make a smile in the song. Your kind actions to send gifts count. The emotion to sympathize with care is so pure. To really know somebody’s name and call their name properly shows that you can save. Donating does not just mean giving to people in unfortunate situations. It’s graciousness and kindness that is seen in a giving heart.

Wake Mag