Make Bad Art
Ava Jax
Here’s the skinny: art needs to exist in abundance. For too long we have thought art belongs between frames or topping short lists. These spaces are not where art begins, and frankly, we should question why they’re the end point, too. Art is a continued conversation we listen and respond to. So, in light of a reply, for the sake of abundance, I want to spend a moment taking seriously the ‘bad’ in art.
Art isn’t just desserts, savored in small bites, sequestered to special occasions. Art is the tomato paste and onion of your sustenance. It feeds you, chewed in waking hours and digested in slumber. These meals can include your signature dish, but art should be made whether or not it's polished. Poke your spoon into many bowls. Cook lots of different dishes. Accidentally burn it, and try the recipe again. Use ingredients that cost nothing but your willingness to care.
So make bad art, and yes, be critical—please dear god reflect—but also grant it permission to be bad. Grant yourself permission to make bad art! At least it exists. Perfection is a myth to discourage you from existing. My friend, perfection itself doesn’t exist. So stop aiming for nonexistent nonsense and mayhaps don’t even ‘aim’ at all. You don’t need a goal other than to see what happens. And while you’re at it, you know what? Go be wrong. In two years, say “Hmmm, I don’t like this much anymore,” and go be ‘better’ at it then, whatever *that* means.
Creating is far too important. You are far too important. There are more important things than ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in your art. Take a second, just a second, consider these distinctions, then what it would feel like to forget them.