A Tale of Two Bookstores

Amazon isn’t the only place for your book Fix!

By: Matthew Zeichert

There’s no denying that winter is fast approaching, so what better time to buy some good books to curl up with! There are countless bookstores that dot the Twin Cities, but there are two bookstores in particular that I recommend to all University of Minnesota students. 

The Bookhouse in Dinkytown

1316 4th St SE, Unit 201, Minneapolis, MN 

Situated just a few stores away from the Varsity Theatre, The Bookhouse in Dinkytown offers a vast array of both fiction and nonfiction works. The cynic in me thought that I would be subjected to exorbitant prices due to its location in the heart of Dinkytown, but I couldn’t be more wrong! The Bookhouse must have a college student’s budget in mind since I walked out of the place spending about a fourth of what I thought I would. The Bookhouse, like Dinkytown itself, is “dinky.” The smallness of the space might annoy some visitors, but I find that the size of the room adds to the store’s appeal. With its creaky floors, crowded bookshelves, and literature-adjacent news clippings greeting you on your way up its staircase, The Bookhouse in Dinkytown should be a must on your to-do list. 

Midway Used & Rare Books

1579 University Ave W, St. Paul, MN

St. Paul is home to a three-storied bookseller with a charm all its own: Midway Used & Rare Books. Upon entering, customers are greeted by a wide assortment of comic books and graphic novels on one side and vintage paperbacks on the other. On the day that I stepped in, foot traffic was light on account of the rain, but I am certain that the store wouldn’t feel cramped even on busy days. The store differentiates itself from other bookstores through its selling of “rare books.” These rare books are mainly first and early editions of iconic 20th-century novels. I even came across a $15 early edition hardcover of the Hemingway classic “The Old Man and the Sea.” If you find yourself in St. Paul, there is no reason for you not to spend a few bucks at Midway.

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