Polo & Pan

Into music with a twist? Check out Polo & Pan

By Maggie Majewski

The peculiar French DJ duo Polo & Pan put on a fascinating performance at First Avenue on September 18 during their 2019 North America Tour for their 2017 album “Caravelle.”  Much like Polo & Pan themselves, their musical style is out of the ordinary; every track had a foundation of electronic funkiness with quirky beats and instruments. To set the stage, Polo & Pan greeted the audience with arms held high. Polo wore a long-sleeved, floor length royal blue dress, contrasting with Pan’s crisp, all-white appearance. They began their set with an alien-like track, “Abysse,” and it was the start of an experience like no other. Members of the crowd were immersed in the music, making personal experiences of it by swaying back and forth and making up dance moves, carrying the free-spirited energy from the performers all the way to the back of the crowd. The duo went on to play “Zoom Zoom” and “Dorothy.”  Later on, during the middle of the song “Ghengis,” Polo & Pan joined in the center of the stage and began locking arms and prancing around in a circle. As the show came to an end, the energy of the fans didn’t waver. Excitement built as they returned for their encore performance and filled the venue with techno beats of some of their most famous tracks, “Nanã” and “Canopée.” If you find yourself searching for something fresh and energizing, make sure to find a way to a Polo & Pan concert before the North American tour ends. The DJ duo will provide a transformative concert experience that will challenge your outlook on electronic music. Be prepared for the unexpected.

Wake Mag