Nothing is Mundane

Fighting cynicism and holding onto whimsy


The definition of mundane is as follows: lacking interest or excitement; dull. The majority of our existence could be defined as mundane, but one should consider if that’s something to be embraced rather than avoided. Forcing our lives to look like those of social media influencers, movie characters or even our friends harbors a certain pressure that whatever you may be doing daily, even minute to minute is not sufficient. Learning to simply exist and transform those “mundane” moments into ones of whimsy and magic is one of the best things you can do for yourself. For example, during a simple trip to the grocery store, instead of viewing it as a menial task you can change the trip into an act of self-care; while you shop, listen to a podcast, daydream about your celebrity crush, or make up life stories for all the fellow customers all around you. Although these techniques are admittedly cliche, changing those normal, everyday tasks into magical little adventures can help you fall in love with the idea of living and living for yourself. I am a strong believer in the ideology that comparison is the thief of joy because it takes away from your own accomplishments and abilities. Imagine yourself when you were a child: you were unaware of any societal pressures or social standards and every day could be whatever your imagination would turn it into. 

One of the most confusing things about our world is how there seems to be no reasoning for how things operate. The “bad guys'' often come out on top, while the hardworking, good people continuously receive the short end of the stick. Why would anyone believe in the significance of our world when there are threats of crime, starvation, natural disasters, climate change, and disease plaguing our existence? There is no answer for this paradox in which we live but only methods to change your way of thinking. Ask yourself, if nothing has significance then why can’t everything have significance? Look at events as things that were meant to happen: you may find, in a sense, that there is an articulate timing for every instance. Yes, things can feel mundane, tragic, beautiful, or annoying, but these sensations are both obstacles and opportunities for growth; being present in these situations can either stunt or strengthen your character. All of this is to say that we cannot avoid the mundane, and, at the same time, nothing has to be mundane. If each stage of life is purposeful, then why not look upon our current stages with beauty and patience? 

Wake Mag