How to Dance

A short tutorial to rediscover the secret talent that should’ve landed you a spot on Dancing With the Stars

By Kinga Mozes

Are you tired of going on a run only to realize halfway through that you have crippling back pain and allergies? Look no further—I will help you discover an exercise that feels less like torture for your lungs and more like pleasure for your legs: dancing.

You might be thinking “But Kinga, I am terrible at dancing! Ever since middle school dances I’ve avoided it because I look like someone who simultaneously broke their ankle and has to pee.” It’s okay. Me too. Even so, if you follow this short tutorial, you are well on your way to becoming an extra for a Step Up movie.

Step one is to look up dance tutorials on YouTube, blast one in your living room, and follow along while your sister gets infuriated as she tries to do her pre-calculus homework.  

Next, it’s crucial to curate a playlist. These can’t just be any songs. They have to be songs that, when you hear them on public transportation, you have to cross your legs to restrain yourself. 

Once you have some basic moves down, grab your favorite shoes (my Air Force 1’s), put on a comfortable outfit, and groove. The more you let go, the more you will find that bodies were made to free themselves through music. I rediscovered my passion for dancing from my childhood, and it spiritually revived me. Some things are purely meant to bring you joy. 

At the end of a long day full of Zoom calls, dancing is a creative way to boost your health and relieve stress. You don’t have to do juice cleanses to take care of your body. It does not matter what you look like—the only person who might see is your lurking neighbor. Simply pay attention to the way it makes you feel.

Wake Mag