How to: Embrace Your New TV Obsession

A guide on how to make a new show the focus of your life while in quarantine. 

By Megan Bormann

In this strange and confusing time, homework, baking banana bread, and crafts can only get someone so far. My personal recommendation for surviving boredom would be to find a new television series to binge. My show of choice: The Vampire Diaries—but you can choose whatever you like. In order to first get into your new obsession, you have to start and finish the first season within an unhealthy amount of time. This will show your true dedication and loyalty towards the journey ahead. 

Your spiral will continue as you decide to prioritize the show above other tasks in your life. Do not worry, this is a typical symptom of the process, and there are ways around it. For example, the split laptop screen was invented for a reason; this way you can Zoom in for classes and keep a steady pace in finishing the next season of your show. Another way is to just ignore your schoolwork altogether, but for anxious, academically-oriented, type-A individuals—such as myself—this might be too far. 

As I have fallen farther and farther down the rabbit hole of The Vampire Diaries, I have taken it upon myself to thoroughly research and explore the show’s universe. This includes but is not limited to: the cast and their previous roles, plotlines of spinoffs, and Youtube compilations of my favorite character’s romantic plotlines. This step takes the obsession to the next level, making the show the only thing one thinks about. 

Finally, embrace your new TV obsession by losing a little sleep. Do not postpone researching how your favorite character saves the day, just so you can get the recommended eight hours of shut-eye! Obviously do not overdo it, but if you aren’t willing to put in the work, can you really call it an obsession?

Wake Mag