Is there a good side to social media?

We hear so much about the dangers of social media, but are there any benefits?

By Kate Tiffin

With social media becoming such an integral part of our daily lives, many people have raised concerns about the ways social media impacts us. Skeptics point out that social media encourages us to design the perfect online lives that foster jealousy among others and has made our generation less sociable. While these concerns have some validity, this is a narrow view. Social media platforms have simultaneously become a useful tool. The ability to connect with people we may otherwise be isolated from has allowed for an exchange of ideas and communication never before possible. In my experience, following activist accounts on Instagram (such as Shawn King or Ronan Farrow) allows me to stay informed on social justice issues or politics that aren’t always discussed in traditional media. Furthermore, Instagram or Snapchat stories allow us to stay updated without texting each other 24/7. And I can not tell you how many times Facebook birthday reminders have saved me from looking like a bad friend. 

Knowing the good and the bad, how do we find a healthy balance? Well, there is no perfect response to social media. If you feel that social media is hindering you more than helping, try setting boundaries that work for you to limit your use of social media. Instagram allows you to set a time limit you want to spend on the app and will notify you once you reach that limit. Designate a few hours to lock your phone away to do work or spend time with friends in real life. These could help to curb your usage. Social media does not have to be a scary thing, and is certainly not going away any time soon. Why not try to live positively with social media rather than fear it?

Wake Mag